Postdoctoral Fellow

Ph.D. from Zhejiang Gongshang University, co-advised by Professor Linhardt as a research scholar at RPI. He is now (2018) a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Linhardt's laboratory at Rensselaer Education: 2013 - 2017, PhD student, School of Food Science and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China; M. Sc., Sept. 2010 - Jan 2013, School of Food Science and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China; B. Sc., Sept. 2006 - June 2010, College of Life Science, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, China. Research: Structure analysis on proteins and carbohydrates using LC-MS, GC-MS, ICP-MS, and SDS-PAGE.