Glycan microarrays are being constructed containing glycosaminoglycans having different sequences at each spatially addressable location. These glycan chains are either first, purified, structural characterized and then immobilized or are synthesized at site. By probing such glycan microarrays with proteins from a given cell, tissue or organism the interactome can be established.

Figure. Fluorescence intensity of bound FITC-labeled antithrombin (AT) as a function of reactant concentrations.
(1) A scanning image of the slide where the printed concentrations of heparin varied. Spots containing no FITClabeled
amino heparin were used as control. (2) An average of fluorescent intensity of bound F-labeled AT in the
spots at different concentrations of reactants printed. (3) Fluorescent intensity of bound F-labeled AT in the poly Llysine
spots modified with heparin reactant.